My Journeymaker Circle Membership is now open.

Come join us!

Ā Embark on a transformative journey with My Journeymaker Circle Membership ā€“ Your pathway to growth, connection, and endless possibilities. Come join us and shape the extraordinary together!


Join Now!

How it all started...

When I was going through my own spiritual and psychic awakening, learning to navigate my metaphysical abilities and exploring my intuition, I yearned for someplace to belong. Somewhere where I could be myself, somewhere I could be in the company of others just like me, where I could speak about my feelings and experiences, my fears and insecurities, my dreams and hopes ā€“ and where, in that place, people would nod their heads in acceptance and understanding.

I yearned for a group like that my entire life but didnā€™t find one until I created that group for myself. That group grew of a loyal band of souls who had already been students or readers of my blog and who encouraged me along in the creation of my very first Planner.

This year I've expanded that group into our all-new Journeymaker Circle Membership.

Inside this membership group youā€™ll have access to:

  • Online courses around a range of subjects to help you explore and work with your own intuitive gifts
  • A library of videos and webinars
  • A library of Guided Meditations
  • Access to our new Monthly Meditation Circle, where I will teach a new meditation technique, discuss the use of meditation as part of your spiritual practice, and where we will then do a group meditation together. All of these sessions will be recorded and then uploaded into the Session Library
  • Regular live sessions in our Facebook group called Open Office Hours. In these sessions I will answer your questions around psychic and intuitive development. I love these sessions because we cover such a broad range of topics. All Open Office Hours are recorded and added to the Member Library
  • Access to live Webinars, including channelled webinars, and access to the recordings in the Member Library if you canā€™t make it to the live event
  • A fortnightly hour-long live Book Club where we discuss not just books, but the concepts within the books and how they relate to our everyday lives. I love the deep sharing, reflection, vulnerability and intimate connectedness that has developed within this regular event.
  • Access to my private Facebook Group
  • Live events and online events for members only
  • A community of like-minded and supportive souls ā€“ a group where many friendships have already been formed, and where you will feel right at home.

My focus in 2021 is on helping you achieve the life purpose you chose for yourself, through supporting you to become empowered in using your intuition, lived experience and wise Inner Knowing. To do that Iā€™ll have a strong and active presence within our community as well as building new material within the Academy and within my Journeymaker Circle Membership. My team and I have a host of exciting new courses and resources that will come online over 2021. So, whether youā€™re a complete beginner or at a huge stepping-off point to the next level with your own abilities Iā€™ll have material and events to support you on your journey.

If youā€™re hungering for a safe and supportive place that will help you to grow spiritually, if you are intuitive or empathic or highly sensitive or psychic ā€“ or think you might be ā€“ my Journeymaker Circle Membership is the place for you. Weā€™ll be doing group work to support our purpose, as well as individual work. Weā€™re doing it already! And itā€™s fabulous!

The next few years are significant for our personal and spiritual evolution, as well as for the evolution of our planet. I thought long and hard about the best way to support your growth over that time, especially now that COVID means I have cancelled all live events and Retreats for the foreseeable future - my solution was to bring my live teaching events online and make them available there for you through my membership and stand-alone courses. Itā€™s time for you to step more fully into your authenticity and the life-path you chose for yourself pre-birth, and my team and I (human and energetic) are creating materials to serve you the best way we know how.

I canā€™t wait to welcome you and share all of this wonderful energy and support with you!

The price for a full yearā€™s membership is US$457. Or you can pay by the month for $40USD per month. That gives you access to an ever-expanding catalogue of courses and resources, as well as live online events and our private Facebook membership group.

See you in the Academy!

Biggest hugs and love,Ā Nicole ā™„ xoxo


Special Introductory Rate

USD $457




USD $40



Want a taste of my work without the financial commitment?

My Journeymaker Foundations course is free, and you can access that here.